Lead to enter the digital era

And fit the gaps to get on board

Every manager and every leader knows how to interpret financial information. They all have basic knowledge of HR to support their people. But when it comes to Customer Experience, Technology and Data, there hardly is a minimum required level of generic knowledge. These gaps need to be filled.

Skilled Business Leaders & Partners are core for delivering successful transformation programs. No matter what line of business you’re responsible for.

Start using your imagination, fed by technological opportunities and socio-economical developments, relevant to you. Build yourselves a holistic view, and guide your company and customers into this digital era.

Inspiration as food for imagination

Get practical knowledge, to envision the future

It’s important to make time available for dealing with the future. People tend to focus on what is happening today, to pick up things for tomorrow and have limited time available to consider the future.

What is better than to have this scheduled, on a regular basis. To create your own platform on the largest trends, without someone trying to sell you something.

People tend to share trends, which are in their own interest. Both internal as external. We’re here just to inspire your, with no strings attached. Guiding you through the most important trends, using practical examples from practice.

Example topics

The track

Focus on enablement

We want you to experience and live the content of the track. It is therefor always customised to your profile and your needs.

When doing this track, you’ll be supported by experience people with a strong track record and the right experience in the field, to deliver the quality needed.

It’s not about providing you with theoretical knowledge, but empowering you and supporting you in applying these skills to your own business, in making it move forward and adapt to this Digital Era.

Key Topics

  • Introduction digital transformation
  • Trends affecting us all
  • The importance of people
  • How to assess your own organisation
  • Customer centricity, what does it mean and how to become Customer Centric
  • The world of technology and services providers
  • The succes and fail factors for programs and projects (and it will not be what you think)
  • The Magic of data

“The only source of knowledge is experience”

– Albert Einstein –

People who have really done it

Talking theory will not get you moving

What makes this track different is that all our people, directly in our team or part of our eco-system, are people from practice. They have a proven successful trackrecord in what they bring, combined with a strong theoretical foundation. Best in class on an individual performance level.

These people have gotten their boots dirty and have acted in organisations on senior executive levels themselves. They’re not a brand you’re learning from, but from individual high performers really experienced in applying best practices into reality.

What do you get out of it?

Discover what's your thing and what's not

Either you'll love it, or you'll hate it, but you will know what you're talking about. You will be able to:
  • Define what a Customer Centric organisation is and what is needed for building the right Experiences
  • Create your own vision on digital strategy
  • Make distinction between ‘fear marketing’ and ‘opportunities’ that emerge, based on your own insights
  • Have a better understanding of the technology market
  • Understand what your role is in successful transformations
  • Understand why certain trends are impacting the future position of your organisation